Our Mission

At apgard, we harmonize safety and innovation to foster a healthy AI future, ensuring that progress is driven by humanity and for humanity. We actively engage with a diverse community to develop AI solutions that reflect user needs and promote safety by design, making digital safety simpler and more actionable for our customers.

Meet Our Team

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At our core, we prioritize innovation to solve complex challenges and drive progress in AI technology.


We believe in the power of collaboration, fostering strong partnerships to create meaningful impact in AI and beyond.


Our actions are guided by integrity, ensuring that we build trust through transparency and ethical practices in AI development.

Name Story

Our name, apgard, honors Virginia Apgar, the brilliant physician behind the Apgar Score—a groundbreaking, standardized test that quickly assesses a newborn’s health. Her innovation not only saved countless lives but also revolutionized care for the most vulnerable, establishing a global standard in neonatal health.

At ApGard AI, we share her mission of applying systematic, evidence-based approaches to create a healthier and safer AI future. We are inspired by Virginia Apgar’s legacy of empowering systems to better serve humanity with care.

Much like her score sheets identified vulnerabilities in newborns early, our scoring systems are designed to detect weaknesses in emerging AI technologies, with a steadfast commitment to safeguarding society and advancing trust in innovation.